Bowel Prep Instructions


Preparing your bowel for Colonoscopy



It is very important for you to follow the instructions carefully to ensure that the bowel is completely empty for the procedure to get a good view of your colon. 


-Discuss your current medication with the consultant at your out patient appointment. 
-Unless otherwise directed, stop any IRON tablets Seven Days before Your Colonoscopy. 
-Four Days Before Your Colonoscopy, stop taking any that may cause constipation, i.e. Loperamide or Codeine Phosphate or Co-Codamol which you may have been prescribed, but continue with other medication, and any laxatives until your appointment. 
-If you have not already discussed with your consultant; Please discuss with the pharmacist if you are on anticoagulants or drugs which affect your blood, such as aspirin, warfarin or clopidogrel. It may be necessary to reduce the dose of your medicines. 
-NSAIDS – non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (eg ibuprofen, diclofenac): stop 1day before the procedure, restart 72hours after; 
-ACEi/ARA – ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonist (Ramipril, perindopril, enalapril, losartan, candesartan etc) STOP 1day before, restart 72 hrs after 
-Diuretics (water tablets, eg frusemide, co-amilofruse, bumetanide, spironolactone, metolazone),STOP on the day of administration of the bowel preparation (laxatives).
-Please speak to the pre-assessment nurse if you are diabetic on ext. 1106 or telephone the Day Care Unit on ext. 2403. 

Two days before your procedure

Only eat food from this permitted list:
(Low residue or white diet) 

-Boiled or steamed fish or chicken 
-White bread
-Butter or margarine 
-Rich tea biscuits
-Potato (no skin) 
-Strained clear soup 

Do NOT eat high fibre foods such as: 

-Red meats
-Pink fish
-Fruit or vegetables
-Brown or wholemeal bread
-Mushrooms or sweetcorn
-All nuts and dried fruit 

On The Day Before Your Colonoscopy If you have a morning appointment for the procedure have a good breakfast of foods from the permitted list above, (no cereals). If you have an afternoon appointment for the procedure, have a good breakfast and lunch from foods on the permitted list above.

After this DO NOT EAT any solid food until after your examination but drink plenty of clear fluids from the following list:

-Water (clear or sparkling)
-Black or herbal tea, or tea with lemon
-Black coffee
-Diluted squash (not fruit juice or blackcurrant cordial)
-Carbonated drinks or clear alcoholic drinks (no beer or red wine)
-Clear soups
-Sugar or Glucose may be added to drinks to keep up the blood sugar level

Sucking a clear sweet or barley sugar may help mask the taste of the preparation and help prevent a dry mouth.

You must not have any milk or drinks containing milk (i.e. in tea and coffee)

Stop drinking any fluids TWO hours before your procedure.

Please see the accompanying sheet for directions on when and how to take your bowel preparation

Once you have started your bowel prep, try and stay close to a toilet as bowel motions can start any time. You should expect frequent watery bowel actions showing that the prep is working. You may feel some bloating and intestinal cramping, as well as some soreness around the anus and some nausea. Drapolene may be used to avoid soreness of the anus.

If at any stage you vomit the preparation mixtures, or you have any other concerns regarding side effects, please see the information sheet given with your preparation. If you feel breathless, have a severe headache or any other side-effects, please contact the hospital.

After the procedure you may be sleepy because of the sedatives used and it is advised you are accompanied home and rest for the remainder of the day. Do not drive or operate machinery for at least 24 hours, Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for the rest of the day. You may still have some residual bowel movements the day after the procedure so make sure you are prepared for this.

If there are any further questions you may have, please contact the Pre-Admission department between 8am and 4pm on 01293 778941 where the nurses will be glad to assist you. Outside of these hours please contact the main switchboard on 01293 785511. 



Moviprep Instructions



How to take your bowel preparation 

-Follow the general advice given on the attached leaflet. 
-Read the manufacturers advice leaflet before taking.
-The time you are advised to take the medication by the hospital may vary from that in the manufacturers leaflet, but this has been done to provide optimum timings for the procedure
-If you have any queries or need advice please contact the day care unit on 01293 785511 extension 2403 or 1106 


If you have a morning appointment for the procedure 

Have a light breakfast from the permitted food list but stop eating after 8am. 

After this you may only take clear fluids. 

At 1pm prepare the first packet of MOVIPREP by pouring the contents of sachet A and sachet B into a jug and adding 1 litre of water. Stir until the powder has dissolved and the solution is clear. You can add any cordial or diluted squash to taste. Do not use Blackcurrant. You can put the solution in the fridge which may disguise the taste a little more. 

Drink a glassful every 15 minutes until you have drunk it all. 

You should also take an additional half a litre of fluid with each sachet of Moviprep. 

At 6pm prepare the second packet of MOVIPREP by pouring the contents of sachet A and sachet B into a jug and adding 1 litre of water. Stir until the powder has dissolved and the solution is clear. You can add any cordial or diluted squash to disguise the taste. Do not use Blackcurrant. Drink a glassful every 15 minutes until you have drunk it all. 

You should also take an additional half a litre of fluid with each sachet of Moviprep 

If you are also having an examination of the stomach then you will need to stop drinking clear fluids at least one hour before the procedure. 

If you have an afternoon or evening appointment 

Have a light breakfast and a light lunch from the permitted food list but stop eating after 12 noon. After this you may only take clear fluids. 

At 6pm prepare the first packet of MOVIPREP by pouring the contents of sachet A and sachet B into a jug and adding 1 litre of water. Stir until the powder has dissolved and the solution is clear. You can add any cordial or diluted squash to disguise the taste. Do not use Blackcurrant. You can put the solution in the fridge which may disguise the taste a little. 

Drink a glassful every 15 minutes until you have drunk it all. You should also take an additional half a litre of fluid with each sachet of Moviprep. 

At 6am the next day prepare the second packet of MOVIPREP by pouring the contents of sachet A and sachet B into a jug and adding 1 litre of water. Stir until the powder has dissolved and the solution is clear. 

Local patient information leaflet 

You can add any cordial or diluted squash to disguise the taste. Do not use Blackcurrant. Drink a glassful every 15 minutes until you have drunk it all. 

You should also take an additional half a litre of fluid with each sachet of Moviprep 

If you are also having an examination of the stomach then you will need to stop drinking clear fluids at least one hour before the procedure. 

Once you have started taking your bowel prep you need to stop eating and may only take the fluids specified on the guidance sheet. Remember to drink plenty of clear fluids, at least a tumblerful every hour whilst the effects of the bowel prep persist. If you do not drink enough fluids you may feel dizzy or faint. These may be continued until at least 4 hours before the procedure starts. If at any stage you vomit the preparation mixtures, or you have any other concerns regarding side effects, please see the information sheet given with your preparation. If you feel breathless, have a severe headache or any other side-effects, please contact the hospital. 

If there are any further questions you may have, please contact the Pre-Admission unit between 8am and 4pm on 01293 778941 where the nurses will be glad to assist you. Outside of these hours please ring the main switchboard on 01293 785511.