
  • Gordon S, Marsh P, Day A, Chappell B. Priapism as the presenting symptom of an aortocaval fistula. Emergency Medical Journal 2004; 21: 265.

  • Day AR, Bowman JF, Cheal D, Ward SP, Corbett CRR. Prospective audit of short saphenous vein ligation and stripping. Phlebology 2005; 20: 103.

  • Day AR, Hum OF. Case File on Frank Haematuria. Doctor magazine, Dec 2005.

  • Day AR, Belcher HJCR. Camouflaging of motor signs in carpal tunnel syndrome. The British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2006; 1130.

  • Hum OF, Day AR. Setting up a primary care STI detection and treatment service in Dili, East Timor. The British Journal of General Practice Nov 2006; 56: 890-891.

  • Hum OF, Day AR. International Travel Scholarship Report: Setting up a primary care STI detection and treatment service in Dili, East Timor. RCGP International Newsletter, Summer 2007.

  • Hum OF, Day AR. Commissioned to write a series of articles called “Post-op Complications” for Doctor magazine. Published: Inguinal Hernia (18/09/07) and Varicose Veins (22/10/07).

  • Hum OF, Day AR. Letter from East Timor. BMA News, Letter from Abroad section. 12th April 2008.

  • Day AR, Sayegh M. Infacol to reduce the bubble effect at EUS. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England 2008; 90: 347.

  • Day AR, Sayegh M. Acute Oesophageal Necrosis: a case report and review of the literature. Int Jo Surg 2010; 8(1): 6-14.

  • Day AR, Sayegh M, Kastner C, Liston T. The use of holmium laser technology for the treatment of refractory common bile duct stones, with a short review of the relevant literature. Surg Innov. 2009 Jun;16(2):169-72.

  • Day AR, Thomas P. Femoral Sheath Lipoma causing venous obstruction syndrome. . Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons Eng 2010; 92: 000-000. doi 10.1308/147870810X12699662981195.

  • I R Flindall, S Ward, A Day, P Thomas, A Anjum, A Keane. EVAR – Reducing Length of Stay and Costs. The Journal of One-Day Surgery 2009; S19: A21.

  • Day A, Rockall T. Fluid Management. Surgery (Oxford) 28 (2010), pp. 151-154.

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T. An update on Mesh Technology, Laparoscopic Inguinal and Ventral Hernia repair. ASIT yearbook 2011.

  • Levy B, Day A, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Outcomes of Fluid Optimised Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: The Influence of the Analgesic regime used. British Journal of Surgery 2010; 97 (S2): 2

  • Levy B, Day A, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. The Influence of the Analgesic Regime on Quality of Life following Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery. British Journal of Surgery 2010; 97 (S2): 35


  • Levy B, Day A, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. The Stress Response in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: How is this influenced by the analgesic regime? British Journal of Surgery 2010; 97 (S2): 44


  • Day A, Smith R, Jourdan I, Rockall T. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery- an oncological advantage? Surgical Endoscopy 2011; 25:S187.

  • Kelliher L, Jones C and Day A. Optimising perioperative patient care: “Enhanced recovery” following colorectal surgery. Journal of Perioperative Practice 2011 Jul;21(7): 239-243.

  • Smith R, Day A, Bailey M, Rockall T, Jourdan I. Stereoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery - A remerging and beneficial technology. ALSGBI Newsletter 2011.


  • Day A, Smith R, Jourdan I, Rockall T. Laparoscopic TME for Rectal Cancer: A Case Series Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques 2012 Apr: 22 (2); e98-101.

  • Levy B, Scott M, Fawcett W, Day A, Rockall T. Optimizing patient outcomes in laparoscopic surgery. Colorectal Disease 2011, 13 (Supp 7), 8-11.


  • Scott M, Kelliher L, Jones C, Day A, Fawcett W, Rockall T. Re: 'Reduction in mortality after epidural anaesthesia and analgesia in patients undergoing rectal but not colonic cancer surgery: a retrospective analysis of data from 655 patients in Central Sweden' Gupta, A, Bjornsson, A.,Fredriksson, M.,Hallbook, O.,Eintrei, C. Letter to BJA, published online Sept 2011.

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T, Ballard K, Bailey M, Jourdan I. Advanced Steroscopic Projection technology significantly improves novice performance of minimally invasive surgical skills. Surg Endosc 2012 Jun: 26 (6); 1522-7.

  • Day A, Levy B, Smith R, Jourdan I, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Enhanced recovery after surgery in the era of laparoscopic colorectal surgery. ALS Newsletter Spring 2012.

  • Day A, Smith R, Jourdan I, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. A Retrospective Analysis of the Effect of Different Postoperative Analgesia Methods on Overall and Disease Free Survival in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Resection of Colorectal Cancer. BJA 2012 Vol 109 (2); 185-190.


  • Day A, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Fast-track surgery and the elderly. Letter to the editor BJA 2012 109: 124.

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T, Bailey M, Jourdan I. 3D passive polarizing displays reduce the subjective workload of performing minimally invasive surgical skills. ASGBI Abstracts 2012, The British Journal of Surgery, 2012: 99(S6):1-82


  • Day A, Smith R, Jourdan I, Rockall T. Survival following laparoscopic and open colorectal surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 2013, 27: 2415-2421.


  • Carr M, Day A, Hale P. A readily available surgical assistant. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2013, 95(2): 155.

  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Is stroke volume optimization really necessary in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Surgical endoscopy 2013, 27: S212.

  • Day A, Levy B, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. The optimal postoperative analgesia to reduce length of stay in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Surgical endoscopy 2013, 27: S219

  • Smith R, Day A, Windridge D, Taya S, Rockall T, Jourdan I. Where do surgeons look during 3D minimally invasive surgery? The influence of disparity on visual attention while viewing passive-polarising displays. Surgical Endoscopy 2013, 27: S232

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T, Bailey M, Jourdan I. Subjective reports of visual fatigue while performing minimally invasive surgical skills using passive polarizing 3D displays. Surgical endoscopy 2013, 27: S233.

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T, Bailey M, Jourdan I. A new device for the assessment of minimally invasive surgical performance- The validity of Sequitor. Surgical endoscopy 2013, 27: S45.

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T, Bailey M, Jourdan I. Experienced laparoscopic surgeons gain significant advantage using 3D passive polarizing displays. Surgical endoscopy 2013, 27: S46.

  • Smith R, Day A, Rockall T, Jourdan I. Articulating instrumentation for laparoscopic surgery. Surgical endoscopy 2013, 27: S50.

  • Day A, Smith R, Jourdan I, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. A Retrospective Analysis of the Effect of Different Postoperative Analgesia Methods on Overall and Disease Free Survival in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Resection of Colorectal Cancer. BJA 2012, Chinese excerpted edition, Volume 4, Issue 3.

  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Is stroke volume optimization really necessary in laparoscopic colorectal surgery? ALS Summer newsletter 2013.


  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Does the choice of analgesia attenuate the stress response following laparoscopic colorectal surgery? British Journal of Surgery 2013; 100 (S7): page 2.

  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. The optimal fluid to use with an oesophageal doppler monitor in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. British Journal of Surgery 2013; 100 (S7): page 39.

  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Does the choice of analgesia attenuate the stress response following laparoscopic colorectal surgery? Colorectal disease 2013; 15 Supp 1, page 1.

  • Day A, Levy B, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Which postoperative analgesia should be used in laparoscopic colorectal surgery? Colorectal disease 2013; 15 Supp 1, page 13

  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. The optimal fluid to use with an oesophageal doppler monitor in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Colorectal disease 2013; 15 Supp 1, page 29.

  • Day A, Smith R, Fawcett W, Scott M, Rockall T. Is stroke optimisation really necessary in laparoscopic colorectal surgery? Surgical Endoscopy 2014; 28 Issue 1 Supplement: page S48.

  • Day A, Middleton G, Smith R, Jourdan I, Rockall T. Time to adjuvant chemotherapy following colorectal cancer resection is associated with an improved survival. Colorectal disease 2014; 16 (5), pages 368-372.


  • Smith R, Schwab K, Day A, Rockall T, Ballard K, Bailey M, Jourdan I. Effect of passive polarizing three dimensional displays on surgical performance for experienced laparoscopic surgeons. British Journal of Surgery 2014; 101 (11), pages 1453-1459.


  • Allen S, Schwab K, Singh-Ranger D, Day A, Rockall T. Laparoscopic perineal hernia using a two-mesh technique. Colorectal disease 2014; 16 (Supp 2) page 96.

  • Schwab K, Allen S, Day A, Jourdan I, Rockall T. Local recurrences for rectal cancer – a ten year series from a district general hospital with an interest in laparoscopic surgery. Colorectal disease 2014; 16 (Supp 2) page 63.

  • Allen S, Schwab K, Day A, Singh-Ranger D, Rockall T. Laparoscopic repair of post-operative perineal hernia using a two-mesh technique. Colorectal disease Mar 2015, Vol 17, pages O70-O73.

  • Schwab K, Allen S, Day A, Jourdan I, Rockall T. Does laparoscopic TME surgery for rectal cancer increase risk of rectal recurrence? A ten year series from our laparoscopic colorectal unit. Surgical Endoscopy 2015, 29: S48.

  • Allen S, Schwab K, Day A, Rockall T. A new laparoscopic technique for repair of perineal hernias. Surgical Endoscopy 2015, 29: S45.

  • Day A, Smith R, Scott M, Fawcett W, Rockall T. Randomised clinical trial investigating the stress response in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. British Journal of Surgery Nov 2015, Vol 102, pages 1473-1479.

  • Smith R, Day A, Spyridon C, Rockall T, Jourdan I. Accommodative dynamics induced by 3D minimally invasive surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 2016, 30, pages S4.


  • Lee MJ, Sayers AE, Drake TM, et al. Malnutrition, nutritional interventions and clinical outcomes of patients with acute small bowel obstruction: results from a national, multicentre, prospective audit. BMJ Open 2019;9: e029235. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-029235