THD Treatment

Transanal Haemorrhoidal De-Arterialisation (THD) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat haemorrhoids (piles). It can also be called Haemorrhoid Ligation, Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation or Doppler guided Ligation.

The THD procedure is an innovative surgical treatment for haemorrhoids, approved by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and designed to cure haemorrhoids in a gentle way while focusing on achieving excellent long-term results:

The THD Procedure:
The THD procedure does not cut or remove any haemorrhoidal tissue, minimising invasiveness and discomfort for patients. It is a day surgery procedure. During the THD procedure, the haemorrhoid’s feeding arteries are precisely located via a Doppler ultrasound probe, mounted on a specially designed proctoscope. Each of these arteries is then sutured through a small operating window of the same proctoscope, making this technique minimally invasive. The procedure is carried out in the area above the dentate line, (an area without sensory nerves) which means that the patient does not feel any stitches during or after the intervention. The THD procedure can also re-position prolapsed tissue, helping to restore “normal” anatomy and physiology.

After the procedure:
THD does not cut or remove any haemorrhoidal tissue. This means that pain and post-operative complications are significantly reduced, with a long term positive outcome.  In most cases, patients resume their normal activities within 24 – 48 hours. After the intervention, some patients might feel a slight discomfort in the rectal area which usually disappears within a few days. If any prolapse has been sutured, some patients might feel a slight urge to defecate, related to the repaired prolapse, which will gradually disappear. The patient can be discharged a few hours after the operation, with pain killer tablets to be taken for any mild discomfort.


Anneli Sandstrom